The Helsinki Committee is part of the European democracy and human rights education network – DARE network.
As part of our membership, we participated in the annual gathering in Brussels, where we discussed, among other things, the topics of democratic citizenship and the protection of human rights, and the resulting human dignity. We also talked about the importance of civil participation, as having an engaged society is essential for the functioning of democracy.

DARE is a network of non-governmental organizations and academic institutions that focus on education regarding democratic citizenship and respect for human rights. Education destroys prejudices and leads to a tolerant society in which peaceful coexistence is possible. The goal of DARE is to bring together organizations that educate about democratic values and together search for solutions to improve the human rights situation in the world. It is through the sharing of examples of good practice, cooperation and mutual assistance that we are able to overcome the fundamental challenges that our societies face. It is essential to cooperate on a transnational level, because together we will go further.